Leather bags are one of the luxury items people love to own, they come in different designs and shapes and can be used for various occasions. If stored right, they can last for a very long time. Leather bags cost a fortune to purchase; sadly, they can also get ruined if they are not used properly.
It is a common sight to see leather bags peel, grow mold or get discolored, though there are other reasons that cause this damage, a chief cause of this condition is poor storage of the bags. I may need to add that if leather bags get bad due to poor storage, there will be no way to reverse this condition, so it is better to prevent this than to live in regrets. In this article, proper storage practices of leather bags will be explored.
- Store the bags in a Paper Bag– Have you noticed that new bags are always wrapped in a paper bag especially the handles. This is necessary to maintain the right temperature for the bag and to prevent the leather from peeling off.
If the paper bag that was used to store the bag during purchase is no longer available, you may make use of an old pillow case to effectively store the bag till it is needed.
Another harm that may come to the bag if they are stored in a thick bag is that it could encourage the buildup of mold. To avoid this, twice a month, you may need to air the bags outside, but remember to avoid direct exposure to the sun.
- Do not Hang the Bag by the handles– This is a common practice for most people as they feel the bags need to be aired at all times inside the room to avoid mold and peeling. This may be true during certain weather conditions but may prove to be counterproductive during humid weather. It has been observed that direct exposure to the sun rays or harsh light in the room may cause the leather to peel.
Dark areas are preferred for bags as too much exposure to light may cause the bag to lose its color which is also as harmful as peeling.
- Concrete Floors are Harmful to Leather– Whatever you do; never place your bags on the floor. This singular practice can damage the best leather bags permanently. Concrete floors are known to contain fungi that can damage some leather bags. Little wonder, shelves are preferred to bare floors when it comes to bag storage.
- Do not Store the bag immediately– A common mistake many people make is to put away their bags immediately they return from an outing, this can aid the buildup of mold. A common rule to always remember is that no moisture, no mold. A good practice will be to air dry the bags under the fan, as the bags may have become moist from usage or spillage from water and drinks. When the bags have properly dried off, they can be stored away in the shelves.
- Wrap the Contents of your Bag properly– Leather bags are susceptive to stains and may wear out if they come in contact with corrosive materials like glues and other forms of adhesives. To be safe from this kind of happenings, have a small bag in the leather bag where you can safely store these items like your lip stain, adhesives, colors and any other material that can harm your precious bag.
From the foregoing it is clear that while bags can be an item and many people love to have lots of them, they can also be a source of constant ache, in an attempt to make them more durable and useful to us.
Among the many sure ways to store your bag, a good tip is to make sure that you do not store them on concrete floors, also, never hang them on the wall by their handles, you may also avoid exposing your leather bags to the direct ray of sunlight or other harsh bulbs in the home. Next, when storing the bags, never store them too close to each other and finally, be sure to store them in a paper bag or old pillow case. If you adhere to these tips, you can be sure to have your bags in a good condition for the longest time possible