A challenge many people face when buying a leather piece is telling apart real or genuine leather from a fake leather piece. Truth is, no one wants to spend a fortune on buying a genuine piece and end up with a fake piece that comes with some very obvious limitations.
There are two broad classification of leather piece available in the market, while one is made from animal skin the other is made from plastic. This difference may be quite evident to a discerning eye; some may need a guide to help them make a wise purchase.
Before this, you may wonder why people prefer to buy the original leather piece as compared to the fake piece. This is so because:
Genuine leather is more durable. The plastic model starts to crack with prolonged use.
Genuine leather is soft and gentle on the skin
Genuine leather shows more class and is preferred to wearing plastic
Genuine leather cost a fortune to purchase.
For me, the notable distinction of the both piece is the feel of the leather against the skin and how long they last. So, the big question is how can you tell a genuine leather piece from a fake leather piece?
- Elasticity– A great way to check if a leather piece is genuine or fake is in the amount of elasticity it retains when stretched. If you pull at the leather piece the original leather will stretch to a considerable degree before bouncing back to its original shape. While a fake leather will remain stiff and unyielding.
- Absorbs Liquids– This may sound strange but real leather absorbs liquid. Drinks, water and other moisture are easily absorbed by genuine leather fabrics without causing any damage to it. While Fake leather that is made of plastic acts like an umbrella when it comes in contact with liquid. The liquid settles on top the fabric until it is wiped off.
- Quality– There is no novelty in saying that the quality of fake leather cannot be compared to genuine leather when you view their finished products side by side. For one, the products made from genuine leather will be more durable than those made from faux leather, another quality test that can help you decide is in the strength of the leather, genuine leather is sturdier and have a defined shape than fake leather, which tends to buckle and fold, unless it is properly stuffed.
Also, the feel of genuine leather is bumpy to touch, as it contains uneven marks showing that it is made from pure animal skin, while fake leather is smooth when you run your palm through it and it contains very even marks.
- Check the Edges– I think this is where the most difference is evident. If you intend to buy a leather piece, do take out some time to turn the piece inside out and check out the edges, the edge of the genuine piece will be rough and contain some hairs, this is expected because it is produced from real animal skin, while the fake leather fabric will be smooth.
- Only shop Leather Piece from Trusted Dealers– It is true that we have gone back and forth trying to tell apart a fake piece from a genuine piece, but trust me, it can still be a very tricky experience as the sellers are coming up with different innovations daily in an attempt to hoodwink unsuspecting buyers and swindle them of their hard earned money. So that the safest way to shop genuine leather pieces is to buy them their trusted dealers.
The above guide may help you make a great choice, if you are desirous of buying a leather piece. You need to pay great attention to detail and also be patient enough to perform some test on the fabric.
If you are still unsure after performing the various test, it may be advisable to shop from a dealer you can trust to avoid being ripped off your money. Unless, you deliberately decide to go for a fake piece due to financial constraints’. If this is so, be sure to go for high grade faux leather that can at least compete favorably with an original piec